
Certification ISO 27001

Following an audit and certification process initiated in August 2013, SMART Integration obtained in January 2014 the certifications for the implementation of the Quality Management System, Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System, according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. In April 2014 we obtained certification for the implementation of the Information Security Management […]

Project NAS 2012-2015

SMART Integration and AAM Management Information Consulting announce a new project for Development of a mechanism to monitor the implementation of anti-corruption actions within NAS 2012-2015 at the level of local public administration, and to promote the mechanism so as to be known by all institutions involved. The project is funded under Priority Axis 1: “Structural and process […]

CIIS Project finalised

The project implemented by a consortium consisting of SC SMART Integration SRL, AAM Management Information Consulting Private Company Limited by Shares, AAM Management Information Consulting SRL and SC Magnum SRL was funded under the service contract between the Ministry of European Funds and the Technical Assistance Operational Programme (OPTA) 2007-2013, Priority Axis 3: Dissemination of information and promotion of […]

Recruitment of Experts

If you are interested in working with us, please submit your CV at: We are looking for experts who match the following profiles: Public Procurement, Audit, Law, Financing Applications Evaluation, Administrative/technical checks (on the spot checks) of reimbursement applications, Technical/ Engineering, Economic/ Financial, Sustainable Development, Equal Opportunities, Reimbursement Applications Verification, Financing Applications Evaluation /Legal Profile.