
The applicant’s guide “Increasing the qualification level of employees through continuous training programs correlated with the needs of the labor market” had been published

The Managing Authority for the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU), from within the Ministry of European Funds (MEF), published the applicant’s guide entitled Increasing the qualification level of employees through training programs related to the needs of the labor market, proposed by the MA for the Human Capital Operational Program 2014 -2020, through Priority Axis […]

More than 9,600 Romanian start-ups have been founded with European funds

In the current programming period (2014-2020) the financing granted through the Operational Programme Human Capital (POCU) supported the establishment of 9,685 start-ups, Most of these, over 1,900, were founded in the Center region – Brașov, Sibiu, Alba, Mureș, Harghita and Covasna counties, followed by South-West Oltenia region, with 1,450 start-ups, and the South-Muntenia region, with […]

European funds will support cities to invest smarter and become more efficient

The opportunities and challenges raised by the development of smart cities at the European level were the core topic of the Smart Transformation Forum 2019 who took place in Bucharest at the end of last week. The event happened in the context in which the forecasts show that by 2050, 66% of the world’s population […]

Bucharest: North Railway Station will benefit from rehabilitation through European funds of 100 million euros

Romania’s largest railway station, North Railway Station in Bucharest, will be undergoing next month’s capital repairs. The investment, worth over 100 million euros, will be provided by European funds and involves, among other things, the replacement of the rails, the construction of a modern car park and the installation of a giant dome with electricity […]

Progress of the Romanian EU Council Presidency on European Funds post-2020, presented at the General Affairs Council – Cohesion

Last meeting of the General Affairs Council (CAG), in Coeziune format, in the mandate of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will end on 30 June, took place yesterday in Luxembourg. The Romanian Presidency provided ministers with a review of the achievements achieved during the mandate on the legislative package […]

50,000 Euros for IT launches

IT startups in the European Union, including those in Romania, can receive grants of up to € 50,000 each to develop blockchain-related businesses within a European-funded business accelerator that is being enrolled online . Until May 26, 2019, interested entrepreneurs can apply online HERE to the Blockchers Acceleration Program. Applications have begun since March. Source: […]

Operational Programme Human Capital: 1,000 educational, human resources and health projects under implementation

The progress made by the team managing the Human Capital Operational Program was presented to the Joint Monitoring Committee at the end of last week in Bucharest in the presence of representatives of the European Commission, the Romanian Ministry of Public Finance and other institutions involved in the implementation. The updated status of Program implementation […]

European funds allocated to the Romanian rural areas

Earlier this week the General Assembly of the Association of Communes of Romania took place. Mrs. Rovana Plumb, Minister of European Funds, showed that besides investments in agriculture for rural development, European investments are also provided for improvement of road and social infrastructure, which means financing of projects for construction of county and communal roads, […]

Romania’s Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR) have launched a new website dedicated in promoting the European funds for agriculture and rural development

Starting the 9th of May 2018, AFIR have launched the platform European funds for rural development. Its objective is to gather in one place all the information you need in order to obtain European funds for agriculture and rural development. Starting today we provide applicants with an useful online tool that includes information from all […]

Unfinished projects within the Regional Operational Programme, Axis 5 – Relase date approved

The applicant’s guide addressed to the unfinished projects within Axis 5, Priority 5.1 Conservation, protection, promotion and development of the natural and cultural heritage has been approved last week by order of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration, and will be published on the programme’s online platform. The applicant’s guide includes specific information […]