Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020 is providing European funding for a number of key socio-economic areas such as employment, education, social inclusion and health. Therefore, we expect this program will have a major impact on both the labor market and in terms of the skills of the population, social and health service quality, overall, the level […]
Current absorption rate of structural and cohesion funds reached 53.12% at 31 March 2015. The amount requested for reimbursement from the European Commission last month increased with 100 million. Total payments made to beneficiaries, including pre-financing and reimbursements, amounted to about 12 billion euros, of which the EU contribution was about 10.76 billion euros. At this […]
The European Commission adopted today, the 25th of February 2015, the Operational Programmes “Administrative Capacity” and “Human Capital”, funded by the European Social Fund for the period 2014-2020. ABOUT OP “ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY” The purpose of OPAC 2014-2020 is to invest €658 million (of which €553 million from the EU budget) to help increase the responsiveness […]
The Ministry of European Funds, through the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), is launching for public consultation the necessary documents to launch three calls for projects to support Romanian Diaspora. “There are three million Romanians living abroad. Many have become citizens of other countries, but their nationality will […]
The Romanian Government approved, in the meeting on January 14, 2015, a new loan from the State Treasury, from privatisation income, in order to make available for the Managing Authorities the necessary amounts to pay the reimbursement applications and payment requests submitted by the beneficiaries. “The loan approved today, in amount of RON 1.42 billion, […]
The presentation of the absorption of structural and cohesion funds delivered by Eugen Teodorovici, Minister of European Funds, on January 8, 2015, during a press conference organised at Victoria Palace. The absorption rate of structural and cohesion funds reached about 52% at the end of 2014. The current absorption rate is 6 times bigger than the rate […]