MEF Project – Checking claims for reimbursement
The consortium consists of SMART Integration, Avensa Consulting, Think Development & Consultancy announces the start of the project “Strengthening the capacity and providing the expertise needed DG PCU and IO / RIO HRD for administrative check of 4,464 requests for reimbursement / payment claims submitted by beneficiaries POSDRU” developed within the “Framework agreement Technical Assistance to DG PCU / IB SOP HRD to achieve spot checks on operations financed under HRD and administrative checks of applications for reimbursement / payment.”
The overall aim of Lot 2 – “Strengthening the capacity and the expertise necessary to ensure PCU and DG IB / OIR HRD for administrative check of 4464 claims for reimbursement / payment claims submitted by beneficiaries POSDRU- is building capacity and providing the necessary expertise and IB SOP HRD AMPOSDRU to examine applications for reimbursement submitted by the beneficiaries of HRD.
Results to be achieved:
- A maximum of 4,464 applications for reimbursement (AMPOSDRU and OI submitted to HRD) checked, including checklists / forms for applications verified, completed and approved according to specific operating procedures DG PCU / IB SOP HRD;
- Analysis report validation process payments to beneficiaries SOP HRD.
Contracting Authority: Ministry of European Funds
Implementation period: November-December 2015