Based on its more than 200 experts in various fields, with a wide variety of projects implemented, SMART Integration has a strong expertise in the following areas and services:
› Institutional needs analysis, identifying projects and possible funding sources;
› Strategic planning;
› Technical assistance in European funded project’s implementation;
› Evaluation and monitoring of projects financed by the EU:
→ evaluating projects;
→ analyzing requests payment/reimbursement;
→ monitoring visits;
→ acquisitions;
› Institutional assessment and developing management capacity:
→ development of the evaluation capacity;
→ financial consultancy;
→ cost benefit analysis;
→ risk management;
› Guides, methodologies and working procedures;
› Thematic training (project management, procurement, accessing structural instruments, public private partnership, IT & C).
› Consultancy in public private partnership (PPP ).
› Consultancy in developing and implementing information and/or communication strategies;
› Assessment of the opportunities of implementing new information technologies;
› Organizing national and regional events (conferences, thematic training, etc );
› Production of informative and promotional materials.
› Management and business consultancy;
› Business and development strategies for private companies;
› Consultancy in public private partnership (PPP );
› Organizational needs analysis, identifying projects and possible funding sources;
› Eligibility analysis of potential beneficiaries and project ideas;
› Preparing applications for EU funds accession:
→ market analysis;
→ financial and economic analysis;
→ identification and development of the project activities;
→ identification and necessary acquisitions;
→ risk management plan;
→ management plan of communication with the contracting authority;
→ documents, attachments etc;
› Specialized assistance during project evaluation and grant contracting;
› Consultancy in project management:
→ assistance in carrying out procurement procedures in the execution stage;
→ specialized assistance during implementation (requests for payment, reimbursement requests, progress reports / final);
→ assistance in management contracts signed in the project;
→ monitoring of the indicators proposed;
→ monitoring the specific legal framework;
→ monitoring costs.
› Technical studies (topographic, geo-technical, hydrological, technical expertise, energy performance audits);
› Ore-feasibility studies, feasibility studies;
› Socioeconomic analysis, financial analysis, risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis;
› Impact studies;
› Opportunity studies;
› Market research surveys;
› Legislative analysis.
› Territorial planning;
› Integrated urban development plans;
› Regional development strategies;
› Consultancy in cross-border cooperation.
› Consultancy and support in the implementation of IT&C systems:
→ management of the entire process of implementation of the system;
→ assessing requirements for the system;
→ suitable selection and system provider (system integrator);
→ planning and management of the systems testing;
→ training and human resource management on the implementation of the system;
→ supervision of the system implementation, quality assurance and system audit;
› IT&C risk management:
→ assessing and managing risks related to IT&C;
→ designing and implementing IT&C architecture;
→ IT&C planning to ensure business continuity;
→ IT&C development organization;
→ support for IT&C outsourcing;
› Consultancy in developing and implementing web applications, portals;
› Consultancy in developing and implementing mobile applications;
› Consultancy in ERP solutions (Enterprise Resource Planning);
› Consultancy in CRM solutions (Customer Relationship Management);
› IT&C management and related risks.