Ce măsuri prevede pentru beneficiarii de fonduri europene decretul prezidențial privind instituirea situației de urgență

The President of Romania signed on March 16, 2020, the decree establishing the state of emergency on the territory of Romania.

According to him, the state of emergency is established for a period of 30 days, being established two types of measures:

  1. first-aid measures with direct and immediate applicability,
  2. emergency measures with gradual applicability.

Among the measures envisaged are the beneficiaries of European funds. Thus, according to art. 11 “the beneficiaries of the European funds affected by the adoption of the emergency measures provided in this decree may decide, together with the managing authorities / intermediary bodies, to suspend the financing contracts concluded according to the law”.

Also, the economic operators whose activity is affected in the context of COVID-19, can request emergency certificates based on the supporting documents. The certificates will be issued by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (art. 12).

Item pickup: www.fonduri-structurale.ro