European funds allocated to the Romanian rural areas
Earlier this week the General Assembly of the Association of Communes of Romania took place.
Mrs. Rovana Plumb, Minister of European Funds, showed that besides investments in agriculture for rural development, European investments are also provided for improvement of road and social infrastructure, which means financing of projects for construction of county and communal roads, but also capitalization of tourist attractions, construction, rehabilitation, modernization of schools and kindergartens or provision of medical services accessible to the population from rural areas of the country.
Regarding the next programming period, it was emphasized that complementary interventions from the European Regional Development Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Social Fund were established for rural areas.
At the same time, it was mentioned the support of private initiative and entrepreneurship, with the aim of economic diversification of the rural areas.
The up-to-date situation of the European funds was presented, showing that Romania received 8 billion euros from the European Commission in the current programming period, which ranks us at a distance from the EU average of 28%.
Source: Ministerul Fondurilor Europene