More than 9,600 Romanian start-ups have been founded with European funds
In the current programming period (2014-2020) the financing granted through the Operational Programme Human Capital (POCU) supported the establishment of 9,685 start-ups,
Most of these, over 1,900, were founded in the Center region – Brașov, Sibiu, Alba, Mureș, Harghita and Covasna counties, followed by South-West Oltenia region, with 1,450 start-ups, and the South-Muntenia region, with over 1,400 new companies created with the support of non-reimbursable funds.
Through this entrepreneurship scheme funded with European funds, 19,370 jobs were created in 396 fields of activity.
Until today 290.5 million euros have been invested. The average value of the grant awarded for setting up a start-up is 30,000 euros.
By September 18, 9,685 start-ups have been set up in Romania. Of these, 7,552 companies are through the Romania Start-up program, 1,065 through the Diaspora Start-up program and 1,065 through the specific objectives 4.1 and 4.2 POCU.
Top 10 activity areas financed with EU funds at national level:
Δ Maintenance and repair of vehicles – 500 companies
Δ Other recreational and fun activities – 495 companies
Δ Photographic activities – 406 companies
Δ Restaurants – 335 companies
Δ Hairstyle and other beauty activities – 348 companies
Δ Custom software activities – 264 companies
Δ Other forms of education – 260 companies
Δ Bread, fresh cakes and pastries manufacture – 229 companies
Δ Other activities related to human health – 213 companies
Δ Engineering activities and technical consultancy related – 201 companies
Source: Ministry of European Funds