Technical assistance for the project “Increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Transport to carry out the strategy planning and administer the Master General Transport Plan of Romania ”

SMART Integration SRL together with ACZ Consulting SRL announces the start of the implementation of the project Technical assistance for the project “Increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Transport to carry out the strategy planning and administer the Master General Transport Plan of Romania.

General objective

The general objective of the project covered by this contract is to support the central and regional institutions involved in the management and implementation of the Regional Operational Program, in the proper management of the funds allocated through the 2014-2020 ROP, by financing mature and sustainable projects that meet the ROP objectives.

The purpose of this contract is to support the Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 and its Intermediate Bodies, by providing specialized expertise in this regard, in evaluating the feasibility, maturity, sustainability and the degree to which the funding applications submitted within the Axes Priorities 1-10 of the ROP respond to the objectives of this program and in the formulation of recommendations to the promoters of these projects in order to improve them.

Contracting Authority

Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds.

Estimated value (excluding VAT)
1,599,850 lei

Period of deployment
21.05.2018 – 20.05.2022