SMART Integration SRL in partnership with PUBLI MEDIA BUSINESS SRL announces the project on developing a marketing strategy and promotion of an integrated tourist product, which is part of the project “Development and promotion of cultural heritage tourism year integrated product: Route” Roman frontier Within cross- Romania-Bulgaria border region “, financed by Interreg Programme Romania-Bulgaria VA. The […]
SMART Integration SRL announces the implementation services for the organization of two media campaigns and a workshop for closure of the project “Towards a proper aquatic environment” – TPAE project whose main objective is to increase knowledge and awareness of policy water by expanding current activity monitoring based on the new European requirements. Activities in the […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration and Publi Media Business announces the start of the project “Support to the Ministry of European Funds in coordinating and managing POC ESIS, POIM and OPTA 2014-2020 by providing logistical support to carry out daily activities ” – LOT 4 – Supporting programs of the General Directorate for Competitiveness (DGPC) […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration and Publi Media Business announces the start of the project “Support to the Ministry of European Funds in coordinating and managing POC ESIS, POIM and OPTA 2014-2020 by providing logistical support to carry out daily activities ” – LOT 3 – Supporting programs of the General Directorate for Competitiveness (DGPC) […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration, Avensa Consulting, Think Development & Consultancy announces the start of the project “Strengthening the capacity and providing the expertise needed DG PCU and IO / RIO HRD for administrative check of 4,464 requests for reimbursement / payment claims submitted by beneficiaries POSDRU” developed within the “Framework agreement Technical Assistance […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration, Avensa Consulting, Think Development & Consultancy announces the start of the project “Strengthening the capacity of DG PCU and IO / RIO SOP HRD to achieve verification visits on the spot (site visits, monitoring, ex-post) the operations financed HRD within the priority axes of SOP HRD 2007-2013 6.1 “ […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration, Avensa Consulting și L.D.K Consultants Engineers and Planners announces the start of the project “Organizing training sessions for staff of the institutions involved in the coordination, management and control of structural instruments as thematic strengthening the administrative capacity, decrease vulnerability to corruption, prevention and correction of irregularities and the prevention […]
SMART Integration announces the signing of the contract for “Development of an impact study on the development Educational Support Program” under the “Advice and guidelines for Quality Education and trans (RIGHT)“, funded by Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Priority Axis 1 – “Education and training in support of growth and development of knowledge based society”. […]
The consortium consists of SMART Integration, Publi Media Business, AAM Management Information Consulting Private Company Limited by Shares and AAM Management Information Consulting announces the signing of the contract for developing the “Strategy for the development and promotion of adventure tourism in the open”. The project is part of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea […]
SMART Integration announces signing the contract for “Development of an impact study on the Educational Support Program ” under the project ” Be Ready – Educational Support Program for the Development of Key Competences “, funded by Human Resources Development Operational Programme , Priority Axis 1 – ” Education and training in support of growth […]