The Romanian Office for the Master Plan Implementation was under the spotlight at the event we organised in Romania at the end of October
SMART Integration alongside the Polytechnic University of Bucharest organized, for the Ministry of Transport (MT), the seminar entitled The General Transport Master Plan.
The event was attended by Mr.Ionel Minea – Secretary of State of the MT, Mr. Robert Dobre – Director of the Strategic Projects Directorate of the MT, by Mr. Vlad Oprea – Mayor of the city of Sinaia and by other representatives of public institutions responsible with the good implementation of the Romanian Master Plan for Transport.
The main topics addressed during the meeting are as follows:
⦿ Presentation of the Romanian Office for the Master Plan Implementation, its role and responsibilities, staff structure and procedures regarding communication and information flows;
⦿ General presentation of the National Transport Model, its functionality, the way it was developed, the uses of the model and the types of interventions that can be tested with its help;
⦿ Use and availability of sub-models of the National Transport Model, including models of the road and railway transports;
⦿ Procedures for using the National Transport Model, including access and query procedures;
⦿ Updated information regrading implementation of the General Transport Master Plan;
⦿ Presenting a revised approach for defining the new road, rail, naval and air infrastructure, according to the Guide on Technical Standards for Transport Infrastructure;
⦿ Overview of the revised Project Evaluation Guides, including the Guide for Cost-Benefit Analysis, Guide for Multi-Criteria Analysis and Guide for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.
The event took place within the project Increasing the Ministry of Transport’s capacity to carry out the strategical planning and to manage the General Master Plan of Transport in Romania .
More information about this project is available here.